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Official guidance for buyers and sellers. Includes a dedicated section for First Home Buyers, step by step guides through the process, a great blog covering off heaps of common concerns and more...

Official website with information for Real Estate Agents and consumers. Information about licensing and the complaints process is available here.

Building work that does not require a building consent by MBIE. August 2020.

For non-compliant works carried out after 1991/1992. An overview of the COA process and indicative (Council) costs from Auckland City Council. 

Find a professional to help you through the COA process. Search the register (practice area column) for COA applications. You can also check that the Council holds record of current insurance for the professional you select. 

Information from Auckland City Council about Safe and Sanitary Reports. Safe and Sanitary Reports are for non-compliant works carried about before 1991/1992. The link above outlines who can prepare one and the process for having one attached to the Council file. 

A great source of information - check if a property is prone to flooding, where underground services are and whether or not significant trees are present. 

Establish your outgoings. Search for Property Rates here. 

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